Home » Paindane Bay Accommodation
Accommodation In Paindane Bay
Paindane Bay Tourism Information
Tourism Information
Paindane is five hundred kilometers from Maputo and thirty kilometers south of Inhambane amongst plantations of Coconut palms and miles of pristine white sandy beaches. Possibly the best feature of Paindane is the reef which protrudes northwards about eight hundred meters, running parallel with the beach, forming a natural bay protected from strong ocean currents and waves. This bay is perfect for launching boats as well as being ideal for swimming and snorkeling.

Paindane bay is also the site of a coral garden, well sought after as one of the best on the African coastline. The variety of soft and hard coral found there display a multitude of colours which have to be seen to be believed. The coral garden lies within the famous lighthouse reef in roughly two to three meters of water, and on clear day visibility extends to as much as forty meters, with vast species of tropical fish to be seen. One of the other well known reefs in the area, Manta reef is unique and has been rated as the best worldwide, also providing divers with excellent visibility and literally hundreds of mantas which frequent the reef. Other world famous reefs nearby include Kingfish, and Jangamo or Guinjata Bay which are well known for spotting Whale shark and schools of dolphins.

The natural bay serves as a perfect playground for all watersport enthusiasts. Jetski, Paddleski and windsurfing enthusiasts enjoy the safety and effortless convenience of launching at Paindane due to the fact that they sail directly into the backline and deep waters of the Mozambique Channel, without any rough surf to hinder them.

Fishing opportunities in Paindane are excellent and deep sea anglers have often been seen pulling out monster sized gamefish and billfish. Rock and surf fishing also proves to be a profitable experience, with Cuta as big as twenty kilograms being caught off Lighthouse reef at spring low tide. Among other species frequently caught are Natal Snoek, Wahoo, Dorado, Queenfish, Tuna and a large variety of other pelagic species found on the reef. Massive Sailfish and Marlin are also regularly caught by those who target them. No keen or serious fisherman should overlook the chance of catching here.

Other attractions include the Paindane Whale Beach walk, where visitors are allowed the opportunity to view whales which make their way into the shallower waters along the coast between Paindane and the neighbouring town of Dongane, between the months of July and mid September. It is often said that this whale migration should not be missed. Popular night walks along the beach provide visitors with the opportunity to see turtles laying their eggs in the sand. Mozambique has enforced various laws and conservation programmes which protect sea turtles in the country. There are five of the seven species of sea turtles in the world, found throughout Mozambique. These include green turtle, hawksbill, loggerhead, leatherback, and the olive ridley sea turtles.